Unveil the Path to Serenity and Focus: Premier Online Mindfulness Classes with Meditacion Yoga Barcelona

Welcome to Meditación Yoga Barcelona, a refuge for experienced meditation & yoga
practitioners seeking to deepen their meditation journey.

Meditacion Yoga Barcelona is your dedicated portal to mastering the art of mindfulness and meditation from anywhere in the world.

I sincerely appreciate when people take the extraordinary decision to prioritise spiritual
practice in their lives – the ultimate form of taking care & loving oneself! So, I strive to create
a nurturing & safe teacher-student relationship with experienced practitioners to explore
and deepen their meditation practice.

My focus is getting students to foster a compassionate and authentic connection with
oneself and others, integrating meditation & mindfulness (through yoga & movement) into
daily life, and nurturing inner wisdom. Therefore, we provide personal sessions or small-
scale transformative classes, mentoring & coaching, self-retreats, and resources to help you
evolve along your journey.

Awaken and embody your highest potential to live an extraordinary life of meaning,
purpose, and great contribution. Begin to unlearn the need to measure how you are doing in
your meditation practice. Trust your own intention and trust yourself innocently and

Come to Meditación Yoga Barcelona with an open heart and a commitment to not deviate
from finding your truth. Come with this promise to yourself and all will be revealed!

Our Offerings

Meditación Yoga Barcelona appreciates that certain offerings can be more appropriate for practitioners at different times of the day or different stages of their spiritual journey.

Our mindfulness meditation offerings cater to advanced practitioners (or serious beginners) who are looking to enrich their meditation experience.




‘Virtual Temple’ Lunchtime (Online) Mindfulness Meditation Sessions:

These meditation sessions, ‘virtual temple’ is a sanctuary designed to help you cultivate 
inner peace, mindfulness, and well-being from the comfort of your own home or place of 

In-Depth Courses:

What is your evolution along the spiritual path?  
Too many meditation classes, meditation teachings & retreats for experienced practitioners 
are just focused on the one practice.  
So, immerse yourself in these ‘evolutionary-focused’ courses that delve into the deeper 
aspects of your evolution in your spiritual awakening i.e. deconstructing the attachment to 
our inflated idea of who we really are, and deepening the path to your heart’s true desire to 
know its true self. 

Private Sessions

Meditation was traditionally taught one-on-one with spiritual masters passing down their wisdom to students in a way that was meaningful to each individual. Today, private meditation classes are still the best way to learn.

Guided Self Retreats:

Allow me to plan your transformative self-meditation retreat that will allow you to explore and deepen your meditation & mindfulness practice under supportive conditions.

Meditation Coaching & Mentoring

Many people benefit from having a dedicated Meditation coach or Meditation mentor to
feel supported on their path.

So, I offer both meditation coaching & meditation mentoring to help guide you on your
personal journey of self-discovery and inner peace. While both approaches aim to deepen
your practice, they serve different needs.

Choose the approach that resonates with you, or embrace both as complementary facets of
a rich, fulfilling practice.

Meet Ed (Eduardo) Niembro

Watch my video

My training is underpinned by 22 years of mindfulness and Vipassana meditation practice.

– An accredited Senior mindfulness meditation teacher under the insight meditation (Vipassana) tradition.

– A certified Hatha yoga instructor since 2011 & recently certified with Jivamukti yoga.

The deeper the practice, the greater your capacity will be to bring an inner freedom of the heart – an unshakeable happiness – here and now.

Learn how to skilfully apply to your meditation practice the tools of sitting, walking and asanas. . . and mindfully move through life with a quality of presence.

Bringing Mindfulness to the Corporate and Educational Sectors

Are you an entrepreneur, a business leader or enquiring meditation sessions for an organisation?

Edward is an experienced Corporate Mindfulness Facilitator with specialised experience in facilitating mindfulness meditation for businesses and business leaders for over 11 years across North America, Asia and Europe.

Please check out my other site, Mindful Impacts, for tailor-made programs and workshops for community groups, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), small businesses and corporations.

Learn how to integrate mindfulness into your business planning sessions, team meetings, work retreats or existing working environment from an experienced corporate mindfulness facilitator.

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Mindfulness is not:

  • a philosophy
  • a set of beliefs to take on to provide you protection in this world
  • a religion that one has ‘buy’ into and do in a ceremonial way, nor
  • is it about creating a new ideal.

Mindfulness or, a sacred awareness, is a practice. It is the capacity to be present here and now to the experience and to acknowledge what is actually happening. The deeper your practice, the greater your capacity will be to bring an inner freedom of the heart – an unshakeable happiness – here and now.

For so many people, we lose touch with ourselves and with what really matters to us due to the fast-paced society, with social media, our 24/7 work, live & play lifestyles and our choices in life.

However, when you reflect on those moments in your life where you felt happiest, connected and really alive, the common denominator was that there was a quality of presence.

Also, mindfulness is not just about the mind. Being mindful is the spaciousness awareness of a free and spacious heart that allows us to listen more deeply.

When you meditate (by sitting or walking) with mindful presence, you notice you will get swept away by your experience very quickly (i.e your thoughts, sounds, feelings, sensations, perceptions). These can be very strong and can carry us to different places and directions perhaps during the whole meditation period! This is totally natural but can be a real negative experience for many people learning to meditate and they tend to discard meditation into the “too hard” basket.

Therefore, discover the universally accepted techniques of breath awareness, body sensations or even walking meditation, as proven techniques, that can help you overcome these very powerful waves of experiences that can overwhelm your practice. Seeking guidance with a qualified meditation teacher will help you navigate your way through the pitfalls of meditation to bring a deeper quality to your practice.



Yoga is committed to providing the physical, mental and spiritual tools for wellbeing for all. Its mission is to inspire, connect, educate and experience this ancient philosophy of yoga into our world around us.

Yoga asks us:

how can we live a simple life, which brings us an understanding of contentment?
how can we be truly satisfied and find inner peace within this hectic world?
Yoga teaches us to look at our life through a different lens. As we develop our yoga practice, we will naturally begin to look deeper into things, to go to the root cause, to explore our unhappiness and to find a place of contentment within. To be conscious means to be aware always of how we are and who we are.

Come and taste a yoga class for yourself.

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If you would like to be kept up to date with the latest meditation scientific research or know what is coming up at the Meditación Yoga Barcelona, please subscribe to my newsletter.

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    Contact me to book

    Please share some details via the form and I’ll get back to you as fast as I can.

    Alternatively, feel free to ask me any questions you have and confirm a session via WhatsApp or email

    Vipassana Online Group Meditation

    Classes for Vipassana Online Group Meditation are currently available online on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 19h – 20h

    Duration: 60 minutes    Price: 5€

    Select a date to reserve your spot.

    [webba_booking service="5"]